
World Without Oil

World Without Oil - A transmedia project

This game/event/lesson/story/put your own word here experience ran from April 30, 2007 – June 1, 2007. It let the users, the players, be the creators and writers while puppetmasters guided, linked, collected and basically just sat back and let it go. It is a great example of a way a transmedia approach can be used to generate learning and bring people to content. The "playing" to learn idea is important in a transmedia structure, and one that has good and bad when invoked in an educational setting.

They also are trying to maintain an archive, even as the game ends. This is an important topic in transmedia, and one I think is not addressed enough….

Check these links for more information – an overview of how to still access the game and "play" - more info and lesson plans including an independent study plan for students - - the World without Oil blog – continues to follow certain topics - World without Oil YouTube channel - some examples from the experience

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